Thursday, March 19, 2015

Farming.  Doesn't seem very exciting does it?  Mud, dirt, poop on the bottom of the boots.  What is it about farming that makes people want to do it?

Well, someone has to.  Right?  Farming gets in your blood.

I have always really been into the idea of self sufficiency.  How I tried to prepare was buying lots and lots of canned food.  Lots of it.  One time, someone came to my house and asked if I was worried that my cabinets would fall down.  I had so many cans of food on top of them to save for a rainy day.

My parents were Y2Ker's.  We thought the world would come to an end when year 2000 hit.  So we had lots of food around the house.  That is great in theory, but at the end of the day, that food all eventually got eaten.  You can't live only on canned food for very long.  That was my first look at planning for the future.  Its probably were I got my tendency to plan for the future.

A summer back, a friend gave me an unbelievable amount of tomatoes.  I canned them all.  Would you believe that the tomatoes I canned that summer lasted me a year and a half!  My prepper/hoarder in me was so excited!!  This started me down the road to self sufficiency!

This blog will show you my steps and missteps as I explore this world!

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